2008 Trip to Korea

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yes, we really did come home!

We headed for home on Tuesday April 1st. Fortunately, Delta was able to give us the middle bulkhead seat, which gave us several feet of leg room and a bassinet. Maren, however, wanted nothing to do with the bassinet. It did turn out to be a good place to stash our airline meal so we could take turns eating and holding Maren. Other than a freak lavatory accident which resulted in a scrape (and occasional laments of "my booty boo boo"), Rowan did incredibly well on the flight. Both kids slept quite a bit. Maren would only sleep laying on me.

After clearing customs and immigration with our new permanent resident (Maren won't become a citizen until the adoption is finalized here in the States, which will take at least 6 months), we made our connecting flight to Gainesville with about 20 minutes to spare. We'd hoped to meet our friends the Shorts in Atlanta, but I'm glad we decided not to try as we would not have made the flight. 23 hours after departing our hotel, we arrived home and attempted to get some sleep. The first few days, sleep was a big issue, but Rowan's jet lag and Maren's jet lag coupled with all of the change induced stress seem to be getting better every day. Last night they both slept through the night!! Maren is growing more comfortable with us and we are seeing some smiles now. She's had her first visit with the pediatrician--19.2 pounds and totally healthy! Here are a few pics from our first week home. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes! We've been hibernating a bit, but promise to be in touch soon!
First Bath at Home

First Afternoon in the Backyard


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