2008 Trip to Korea

Friday, March 21, 2008

Time to Travel

Ready to go!
We leave on our adventure starting March 25th!


  • At March 23, 2008 9:47 AM , Blogger Mike & Ramona said...

    Have a great trip guys! We look forward to seeing lots of pictures!

    Ramona (from FCC)

  • At March 23, 2008 6:20 PM , Blogger Sarah Hamersma said...

    We'll be following your story!!

  • At March 24, 2008 1:47 PM , Blogger Georgia said...

    Hi- This is Ellie's Mom. I had heard through Melissa Sisk that you were soon to be a family of 4- Congratulations! Ellie will be so envious of Rowan's sister. We'll be thinking about you as you head to get Maren. If Rowan needs a play date- let us know. Ellie would love to have him around! Good luck- Georgia, Mason and Ellie Reuter

  • At March 24, 2008 7:29 PM , Blogger Katie said...


    We are so happy for you and praying for a speedy return. Can't wait to meet her when you get home. If you are going stir crazy after you return and need to get out, Jack and I would love to meet up with you guys!!


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